Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

"We want to buy your house"

Emails with the subject "we want to buy your house" appear in my spam folder all the time and when I glance at them I think they say "we want to buy your horse" and I immediately think NO WAY. And then I realize it says house. I don't even own a house. Just a big gray horse and I'm never selling him.

I imagine T to the X is starting to get quite furry. I hope to make it down to see him sometime soon!!!!

Meanwhile I'll get to ride my other ponies next week when I'm down at the farm for Turkey day.

I'll definitely be riding Clark
(Clark gets two pictures because he is my favorite)

And maybe Travis

Or maybe Lucky

I'm not too sure I'll get on any of the mares as I seem to prefer bay geldings.... and I definitely have the awesome problem of too many horses, too little time when I'm down there.

And I hope to get my brother in law up on the gentle giant Meg (I can't find any recent pics of Meg at the moment but here she is at her old home in FL)

And sadly, my favorite ride, Buckley, is recovering from an injury to his hock so no riding Mr. B :(

I can't wait for Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I miss Timex

I didn't think it would be so hard for me having Timex live so far away.

I probably worry about him more than what is considered to be normal.

Did he step on a rock and hurt his hoof? Is he cold? Is he losing weight? Does he want attention?

Meanwhile the answer to all these questions is NO and he is probably beyond happy to be out in that big field with his friends and to be left alone.

Anyway, while I have no intention of ever making Timex into a riding horse, I have been informed that he is in fact rideable. He was not marketed as such for liability reasons I assume... plus, its not like he is clear to be put into work, but a little walk/trot trail ride with me on his back a few times year would not hurt him.... which brings me to what I want for Christmas. I want a big fancy (and totally unnecessary for a trail horse) show bridle for him. He has the prettiest head and I'm just dying to see him with a fancy bridle on. So far I like this one because it has a big wide noseband that I think will look nice on his large face.

I should probably also invest in a larger Timex is much bigger than my TBs.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Irish Draught

While I am certainly no expert on the breed, I really wouldn't be surprised if Timex is an Irish Draught or an Irish Draught cross of some sorts. I spent part of two summers training in Ireland and fell in love with their horses. So much so that there was even an attempt to bring one of them back with us (but of course when an American was interested in the mare the price went up and on top the importing costs it just wasn't logical). Many of the horses I rode there resembled Timex or lighter versions of Timex (Timex is big).
This mare here certainly resembles Timex

And here is a link to the Irish Draught website:
Irish Draught Horse Society

My First Visit

My first visit went better then I ever could have expected! Timex is beautiful, in great condition and the farm where he resides is gorgeous. Let me start by saying Timex has one of the cutest faces I've ever seen. He looks like an over grown pony. I went to him in the field well supplied with carrots and cookies and he let me attach the lead rope and he walked quietly to the gate. I then tied him up to the hitching post and began grooming him. He stood like a perfect angel and knew exactly what I wanted as I made my rounds to pick his feet. I was seriously amazed by how calm he was, I think I've been spending too much time with the Thoroughbreds ;) From just this one visit I got the impression that Timex has never, and will never try to bite or kick anyone, its just not in his personality. Have I mentioned how cute his face is? How anyone could ever think to put him down I'll never understand. Anyway, I checked him over, no bumps or cuts, he is carrying good weight and his feet looked good and were without heat. Additionally his hind pastern didn't even look that bad and again there was no heat. Later I saw him running in the pasture and he was perfectly sound. Thank God! I just want him to be happy and healthy and to live out his days in comfort. At some point soon I hope to have the vet come out and take a look at his leg and see if he needs cosequin or monthly adequan etc. and while I'm still a little nervous about the fact that he doesn't have a stall, I've read and been told that it is often best for arthritic or older horses to be out as much as possible so that they never have time to stiffen up so hopefully this is the right set up for him.

My time with him was too brief but I'm already looking forward to my next visit. In the meantime I'm sure my brother will be out there to check on him and to feed him treats.

Ok, now for the pony cuteness! (oh and I forgot to mention that he sticks his tounge out, which only adds to his adorable cuteness)

Timex on his way towards me to get more treats
Timex and my bother.

Standing like a gentleman to be groomed.

Timex on the far right with his buddies (the chestnut next to him seems to be his bestfriend)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Timex Treats

I baked treats for Timex and they were a huge hit:

-whole wheat flower

Friday, October 31, 2008

How can I possibly be this excited?

I've had horses my whole life yet I am beyond excited to meet my new one. He isn't a fancy show horse or a well bred Tb...just a horse.... yet I'm swamped at work and busy beyond belief and all I can think about is Timex. And judging from the flood of emails I have been receiving from my siblings today, they are as excited as I am.

5 min ago I got a call from Thistle Top to tell me that Timex had his feet trimmed yesterday and they are contacting his vet to make sure he is up to date on all shots. YAY! I cannot stand to see a horse with neglected feet and I'm glad to see that Thistle Top is on top off all this. It definitely makes me feel more comfortable about having a horse who lives so far away from me when his caretakers are managing things in a timely manner.

Lastly, Timex's Aunt went and got him a new halter yesterday on her day off. Not only is the halter beautiful but she found it on sale for only $19.99!

Timex's new halter

Tonight I have an exciting evening planned of laundry and baking horse cookies. I get to see my new horse tomorrow!!!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

First Post in the Present

I can't wait to meet my new horse! I know I'll sound like I'm eight when I say this but....I've always wanted a gray horse, gray horses are so pretty!!!!!

Anyway, I'll have my first official visit with Timex this Saturday (11/1/2008). I'm heading down to Philadelphia, meeting up with my brother and heading out to see Timex. I think my brother is as excited as I am.... my husband not so much. In fact I think I'm pretty lucky to still have a husband at this point. I've had to promise multiple times to him that I will NEVER get another horse without his knowledge and I'm sure I'll have to promise it a few more times.

Meanwhile, I think Timex is good luck already. I got Timex and then the Phillies won the World Series. I really think my husband should do the math on this one ;)

(and maybe I'll score some points back by mentioning the Phillies in Timex's blog)

Emily's last post which brought tears to my eyes...

I gotta say, this has been a really satisfying experience, even through the tough middle part of time where I really thought I wouldn't be able to save him.

Today we, Alexis and I, put a halter on Timex and saddled up the 4 wheeler. Timex is not a stranger to this routine, he walked and trotted willingly behind the loud machine as we led him from our farm, to the neighboring retirement farm where he has spent many winters. Only this time what he'll never know is that this trip was truly a trip of salvation.

This time he arrived at the farm next door owned by someone who has given him the gift of a long life. Now to be fair he never knew that his owner was ready and willing to put him down. But now he hopefully will never have to know of any option other than a long and fruitful life.

Funny as we went down the road he nickered as he past the last of the farm horses and then was quiet as we went the .5 miles where no horses can be seen. But just as quickly once he could see the pastures of the retirement farm he was nickering again. Realizing he was at his winter home. As we rolled up the driveway he was greeted by the 4 sicilian donkeys and greeted by many happy brays. As an added gift, he donned a Rambo turnout rug before joining the herd. He probably hasn't worn a blanket in a few years, but he'd been inside for 2 days babysitting a filly and the weather was God awful. Not the best day to chuck a horse from inside a warm barn to out in 40 mph winds and 32 degrees tonight. I figured this was only fair.

I gave him kisses and played with him and as I pat him I told him, "you don't know it, but I just saved your life."

I cried. Simply because it was true and right then.... I got it.

Thanks to everyone, most assuredly to Shirland who has received and given the best early Xmas gift ever.

Emily posted this after she moved Timex to his new (not so new as he had been there before) home down the street. Thank God for people like Emily and for the wonderful people at Thistle Top farm who were able to start boarding and caring for Timex immediately.

This is how it all began....

Beautiful Grey Pasture Puff needs a new home! PA area
"Timex" is ironically running out of time!!!

He is a lovely 16+ hand Irish Gelding. (I am told) 14 years old and a perfect babysitter. He has been turned out with donkeys, pregnant mares, geldings, ponies and so on!!

He is a very easy keeper and I think he's awesome. AS far as rideability I have never been around him being ridden. He was retired with a hind fetlock injury 5 years ago and has been living on the back hillside since.

The word I have heard is that he could be nutty when he was ridden before. I can make no claims as to his suitability other than as a babysitter. And for that he is the best.

Please PM or email soon. I have 2 weeks to find him a home then the owners are going to put him down. (Better option than going to slaughter)

Thanks for your help on this!!


I read this post, saw his pictures and became concerned with Timex's safety. I contacted the wonderful Emily (who is really the one who saved Timex's life) and in no time Timex was mine.