Thursday, October 30, 2008

Emily's last post which brought tears to my eyes...

I gotta say, this has been a really satisfying experience, even through the tough middle part of time where I really thought I wouldn't be able to save him.

Today we, Alexis and I, put a halter on Timex and saddled up the 4 wheeler. Timex is not a stranger to this routine, he walked and trotted willingly behind the loud machine as we led him from our farm, to the neighboring retirement farm where he has spent many winters. Only this time what he'll never know is that this trip was truly a trip of salvation.

This time he arrived at the farm next door owned by someone who has given him the gift of a long life. Now to be fair he never knew that his owner was ready and willing to put him down. But now he hopefully will never have to know of any option other than a long and fruitful life.

Funny as we went down the road he nickered as he past the last of the farm horses and then was quiet as we went the .5 miles where no horses can be seen. But just as quickly once he could see the pastures of the retirement farm he was nickering again. Realizing he was at his winter home. As we rolled up the driveway he was greeted by the 4 sicilian donkeys and greeted by many happy brays. As an added gift, he donned a Rambo turnout rug before joining the herd. He probably hasn't worn a blanket in a few years, but he'd been inside for 2 days babysitting a filly and the weather was God awful. Not the best day to chuck a horse from inside a warm barn to out in 40 mph winds and 32 degrees tonight. I figured this was only fair.

I gave him kisses and played with him and as I pat him I told him, "you don't know it, but I just saved your life."

I cried. Simply because it was true and right then.... I got it.

Thanks to everyone, most assuredly to Shirland who has received and given the best early Xmas gift ever.

Emily posted this after she moved Timex to his new (not so new as he had been there before) home down the street. Thank God for people like Emily and for the wonderful people at Thistle Top farm who were able to start boarding and caring for Timex immediately.

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