Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I miss Timex

I didn't think it would be so hard for me having Timex live so far away.

I probably worry about him more than what is considered to be normal.

Did he step on a rock and hurt his hoof? Is he cold? Is he losing weight? Does he want attention?

Meanwhile the answer to all these questions is NO and he is probably beyond happy to be out in that big field with his friends and to be left alone.

Anyway, while I have no intention of ever making Timex into a riding horse, I have been informed that he is in fact rideable. He was not marketed as such for liability reasons I assume... plus, its not like he is clear to be put into work, but a little walk/trot trail ride with me on his back a few times year would not hurt him.... which brings me to what I want for Christmas. I want a big fancy (and totally unnecessary for a trail horse) show bridle for him. He has the prettiest head and I'm just dying to see him with a fancy bridle on. So far I like this one because it has a big wide noseband that I think will look nice on his large face.

I should probably also invest in a larger Timex is much bigger than my TBs.

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